Exercising as a New Mom

KWs: new motherExercise

You should slowly and steadily come back to your exercise regimen even after becoming a new mother. Tap into your inner fitness enthusiast and give some thought to forming an exercise regimen for yourself. The situation now is not like before, when you would go running or working out only when you wished to.

Things changes after having a bundle of joy. Your body changes, and you might not feel what you used to feel earlier about your body. You may get repeatedly tired, non-motivated, or feel drained out at times.

You naturally would want to meet your health expectations and failure in doing so might make you feel sad. Know that such feelings are quite natural since having new-born sap a lot of energy. Also, you know that getting tired is worth it as you are going through one of the most beautiful experiences of life.

Now, once your medical practitioner gives you a green signal, coming back to regular physical activities is essential, both at mental and physical levels. Looking at the positive side, working out can become a much-needed break from attending to your baby and getting you fitter and more active. It can also help you combat stress while gaining energy and lose weight you gained during the pregnancy. Always listen to your body’s needs and ensure that you are hydrated and following the right nutrition plan.

Some tips for the new mom:

  • Give yourself suitable credit- Remember to credit yourself for going through the entire process of giving birth and also for taking care of baby through sustained efforts. Self-appreciation is essential.
  • Ask for necessary support- Do not be shy in asking for help from your family and friends whenever you need some.
  • Always embrace positive mindset- Have practical expectations based on your new life journey. Have goals which can be achieved.
  • Progress is vital- You should not emphasize on achieving perfection and instead look at overall growth. Form a routine based on the schedule of your baby. Track your progress as you go about acing new life.
  • Have a ready reason for being active- You should be clear about why you wish to be active. It will help you establish your goals.
  • Every little drop of activity works- With or without your baby, ensure that you walk for good 10-15 minutes whenever you can. This is vital for you to stay active.
  • Get a step counter- Get a pedometer and make sure that your steps are counted so you can track the progress you make.
  • Involve your little one as well- You should try and include your child into your regular activity. Get it started as well!

You can try out the following or similar exercising regimen:

  • Baby bouncer- Squat 8-10 times like you are sitting on a chair extending your hands behind your back.
  • Baby glider- Have your baby held tightly onto your chest and make a lunge forward. Do not let your toes outstrip the knee. Lunge with the other leg after that. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times for both the sides.
  • Rock-a-baby curls and squats- Have shoulder-width distance between your legs. Keep your baby tightly held onto your chest and squat, and try that the feet of your baby touch the floor. When you get up, bring your baby closer to your chest. Repeat this exercise 15 times. This exercise is best done when your little one is 10-12 weeks old.
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