Health Insurance for Your Newborn: Is It a Must?
read Sep 27 2024

When planning for a baby, amidst the excitement, it's crucial to consider the potential for unexpected medical expenses. While it may seem premature, preparing for these costs is essential. Health insurance for your newborn is a key part of this preparation, ensuring that this joyous occasion is celebrated in the best way possible. Newborns are delicate and susceptible to various health risks, making continuous insurance coverage a necessity. The best approach is to secure insurance coverage from the very beginning. So, what exactly is health insurance for infants?
What is Health Insurance for a Newborn?
Newborn health insurance ensures that your baby is covered in the pre- and postnatal period, before and after the delivery.This covers expenses incurred towards treating a newborn baby when the insured mother is hospitalised for delivery. The costs incurred by the baby during and after birth up to 90 days from the delivery date are also covered under the newborn health coverage. For your health insurance policy, you can choose one that covers maternity benefits and newborn coverage right from the start. This can either be a part of the insurance cover for you and your family or can be selected as a relevant add-on to your existing policy. Health insurance for newborns is necessary. These are often included as a part of maternity covers or can be purchased as a separate add-on. Maternity-related expenses can be significant. These expenses may include:
- the medical expenses incurred during pregnancy
- gynaecologist’s consultation charges
- the cost of hospitalisation and delivery of the baby
- Pre- and postnatal care expenses
- the costs of medicines and medical tests
- newborn baby care
A maternity policy that includes newborn health coverage can help offset that.
Why is Newborn Health Insurance Important?
Pregnancy is a time of joy as a new member joins your family. However, it's important to remember that it's not always a smooth journey. Unforeseen circumstances can arise, and it's in your best interest to be prepared. Choosing the right health insurance for your newborn is a crucial decision that can make a significant difference in your baby's care.
How Does Newborn Baby Health Insurance Work?
When planning a baby, you can add maternity coverage to your existing health insurance policy. These typically have a waiting period, where you cannot claim any maternity-related expenses. The specifics of this can differ from policy to policy. Once you have found the perfect policy, you wait out the waiting period. After the period, you will be covered for maternity and newborn cover. Once the baby is born, they will typically be covered for 90 days from birth. After that, for continued coverage, the baby can be included in the policy by following due process. We recommend buying a maternity policy that provides medical insurance for the newborn at the earliest. Buying these policies early would ensure you are covered when needed.
What is included in newborn insurance?
Several different health insurance policies cover health insurance for infants. These are optional covers or add-ons to your existing health insurance policy . You can choose either of these individually or in combination, as per your preference. These have a waiting period only after which you can use the intended benefit, so do note those and keep the requisite dates in mind. The different types of health insurance policy add-ons that can be selected are:
- Routine or elective Caesarean: Whether you choose a routine delivery or c-section, both are covered in this.
- Complicated Pregnancy: Covers medical expenses arising during the antenatal stages of pregnancy or childbirth. These could require obstetric procedures and postnatal check-upsup to 6 weeks after birth.
- Pre & Postnatal Care: This covers up to 6 weeks' costs, prescribed prenatal vitamins, and associated delivery costs.
- Newborn Cover: This covers medical expenses for the treatment of the newborn until discharge or the number of days specified.
- Maternity Assistance and Midwife Charges, as applicable
- Birthing classes charge if you would like to go in for them.
Benefits of Health Insurance Cover for Newborns
These can differ depending on your policy but often include:
- Comprehensive coverage: This covers expenses incurred for the newborn during and post-birth up to 90 days. This could consist of a NICU stint if required. For coverage beyond 90 days, the new member must be added to the policy through endorsement and premium payment.
- Health checkups: Just like adults need annual checkups, so do newborns. From getting all their vaccinations to being physically fit, these help ensure your baby is healthy. Most policies cover the baby till 90 days after birth, and then they can be added to the parent’s policy to avail of further benefits. This regular health checkup routine for your newborn provides you with convenience and control over your baby's health.
- Tax benefits: When you purchase an insurance policy for your newborn, you are eligible for tax benefits under Section 80. This not only ensures your baby's health but also makes you financially savvy and responsible, helping you save on taxes.
Things to Remember While Buying Health Insurance for Newborns
Each person's health insurance needs are unique, and this is especially true when it comes to newborns and maternity. It's important to choose the right coverage at the right time, whether you're planning for a routine delivery or an elective c-section. This includes coverage for any potential complications, as well as prenatal and postnatal care. The timing of these decisions is crucial to ensure your family remains covered in any potential eventuality.
ManipalCigna Health Insurance for Newborns
Pregnancy can be expensive if the appropriate planning from a financial and insurance perspective isn’t done on time. You can choose ManipalCigna Health Insurance for health insurance for infants. Manipal Cigna Health Insurance gives you various options in their ProHealth category to ensure that you select the perfect combination for your family and their safety.
Depending on your budget for optimal coverage, you can choose ProHealth Plus, ProHealth Preferred, or ProHealth Premier. You can also have specific add-on requirements like ‘reduction in maternity waiting’ or the time after which you are covered for maternity, maternity expenses as per your desired coverage, and many more choices. The health insurance marketplace is vast, but it is essential to navigate it efficiently to choose the best health insurance for your newborn.