
Is your health insurance considerate enough for your existing medical conditions?


Aug 19 2022


You probably already know that having a health issue can be expensive and frustrating. After all, health care costs are one of the main reasons why individuals go without insurance or are uninsured, to begin with. Because of this, it’s important to make sure that your health insurance plan cover your existing conditions. This can be especially challenging if there have been a few changes in your health in the recent past. Most people rely on their savings and employer-offered health insurance to tide over any medical emergencies or rising medical expenses.

Understanding Pre-Existing Conditions in Medical Insurance

A pre-existing condition is a medical condition or health issue already afflicting the intended policyholder before the purchase of the policy. The degree of seriousness may vary from slightly serious conditions like high BP, thyroid, or asthma to extremely serious conditions like diabetes, heart condition, or even cancer. Pre-existing conditions do pose a high financial risk to insurance providers given their bigger need for medical aid and assistance. Given the constraints, here are a few things you must know when scouring health insurance policies keeping in mind pre-existing medical conditions.

For example, the ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime Active Package recognizes Asthma, Diabetes , Hypertension , Dyslipidaemia, and Obesity-related conditions as pre-existing diseases.   Though a lot of people are prone to not disclosing any pre-existing conditions for fear that their claims may get rejected, it is advisable to read up more about all clauses of pre-existing conditions in the policy document before/after a policy purchase



There is Coverage for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Many insurers today provide health cover for pre-existing medical conditions with a minimum waiting period clause. Therefore, there is no need to hide any medical history or information about any existing medical condition. On the contrary, hiding such information could lead to claim rejections.

Voluntary Health Check-Up is a mus
A voluntary health check-up will clear any doubts about any existing health condition that you might suspect and also reinstate the level of fitness in case there is an evaluation by underwriters which will help you get a clear policy. .


Know Where to Find Your Plan’s Conditions and Exclusions

The first thing you’ll need to do is make sure you know where to find your plan’s conditions and exclusions. These will help you understand what is and is not covered and will come in handy when determining whether or not a particular condition is within the plan’s coverage. Some plans may provide an in-depth list of conditions and exclusions online. If this is the case, don’t just assume your plan is covering everything. You want to make sure you’re reading the fine print so you know exactly what you’re getting and what you’re not getting.

Worthwhile to look into the Waiting Period of Pre-Existing Diseases

The  ManipaCigna ProHealth Prime Insurance Packages for instance, have shorted waiting periods for pre-existing diseases.

  • 30 days for the initial waiting period
  • 24 months for a specific illness
  • 24 months for pre-existing diseases
  • 36 months for Bariatric Surgery
  • 36 months for Maternity and Infertility Treatment

The heartening feature of ManipaCigna ProHealth Prime Insurance plans is that it has a medical cover of up to sum insured with the HIV/AIDS & STD Cover for people with medical conditions that would usually make them uninsurable. The eligibility factors are the same across individual and family floater plans.

Caring Enough For Your Existing Conditions

Provided your plan doesn’t have any outrageous pre-existing condition exclusions, you should be able to get coverage for your existing medical conditions. Make sure you’re open and honest with your health insurance company about what you’re experiencing so they can better understand your health situation and make adjustments as necessary. This is the best way to make sure your coverage is caring enough for your existing conditions.

Portability, anyone?

While learning how to choose a wholesome health insurance plan is important, it is equally important to take note of your insurance needs and what you’re getting in the bargain. If your current health insurance does not meet your desired insurance needs, you always have the option to shop around and switch to a more complete insurance plan like the ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime Packages in terms of coverage and benefits. The Portability feature allows you to move between insurance providers after due serving of the waiting period wherever applicable so that you do not lose any policy benefits in terms of per-existing medical conditions or any critical illness cover .



Health insurance can be a complicated topic. Thankfully, there are new age insurance plans like the ManipaCigna ProHealth Prime Insurance Packages to make sure your coverage is adequate for your existing conditions without having to take a hike in your rates.  In today’s fast-paced life with an increased risk of infection and unhealthy lifestyle choices, it makes sense to purchase a comprehensive health insurance plan to cover you and your loved ones.

Must Read: Health Insurance Renewal – Here Is Everything You Need to Know