
The New Age Health Insurance Plan You Should Consider


Aug 19 2022


In the last few years and in the aftermath of a global pandemic, health insurance plans are fast evolving in terms of structures and features to accommodate the customer’s needs and requirements. More and more people are leading a healthy lifestyle and backing it up with necessary wellness programs.  While that helps unnecessary hospital escalations but it does not totally reduce the risk of hospitalization. People realize the critical need for adequate health cover and hence work towards getting the right health insurance plan like the ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime Packages, for instance. .


 If you are looking for a new health insurance plan that will cover all possible medical costs, then you must read to the end because you are in the right place. Yes, we are talking about the New Age Health Insurance Plan that will take care of your every medical need. It’s very important to note that the New Age Health Insurance Plan is not a replacement for any other health insurance plans you might have. It is in fact above your regular healthcare plans and is intended to serve as a full healthcare insurance plan. Depending on the life stage, insurance requirements change and health insurance plans have to be assessed for what they claim in terms of how comprehensive their coverage and benefits are.


The ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime Packages allow you to customise your health plans per your needs without any financial stress. New-age health insurance parameters to keep in mind are as follows:


Do they cover Pre and Post Hospitalization Expenses?

Any health insurance plan stands out with features that come in handy to cover unplanned medical exigencies and expenses which come under two categories - pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization. Doctor visits and diagnostic tests come under pre-hospitalization expenses. Follow-up visits to the doctor and follow-up tests to check the progress of treatment come under post-hospitalization expenses. The ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime Packages  cover expenses beyond hospitalization like the cost of OPD consultation, doctor’s visit, diagnostics like urine test, blood tests and any investigation to ascertain the presence/absence of any medical condition before and after hospitalization and all pharmacy expenses besides some wellness offerings under the Wellness Program.


They also cover non-medical expenses like costs of syringes, handgloves and registration fees, which come under neither medicines or consultancy or diagnostics but still make up for a significant portion of the overall cost.It gives you better coverage in terms of cashless OPD care and zero deductions towards non-medical expenses.

Must Read: Health Insurance Renewal – Here Is Everything You Need to Know



The Advantage of Better Control

It gives better control to the policyholder with policy features like Switch off as you wish if you are travelling abroad, the freedom to choose/upgrade to any room as you wish and unlimited restoration of up to 100 percent of your sum insured.


Wellness and Care

Policyholders associated with ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime Packages have the provision of a medical health check-up totally free of cost! The medical tests also ensure the claims process is smooth. There’s also better care with the proactive approach from the policy provider that all policyholders must undergo an annual health check-up to stay in top health, not just in sickness but also, for wellness’s sake. Also, the Wellness Program allows policyholders to earn reward points for completing wellness activities. As an incentive driven activity, these reward points can be redeemed to get a discount on policy premium at the time of renewal.


Portability and Pre-existing Illnesses

All insurance providers have their own policies and clauses around coverage for pre-existing diseases and waiting periods applicable only upon full medical disclosure by the policyholder at the time of policy purchase. If you’re not happy with your current health insurance, you always have the option to port to a more wholesome and new age health insurance plan like the ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime Packages.


Coverage for Alternative Treatments:

The ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime Packages also have provisions for policyholders to opt for alternative treatments like Ayurveda , Yoga , Siddha, Unani, etc other than Allopathy.


Clause of Domiciliary Treatment: With covid exposing severe vulnerabilities among the elderly, infirmed, and children, a lot of health insurance players also include provisions for people to seek treatment at home of course, subject to a definite time period.



Understand the kinds of policies whether it’s individual or family floater. Read the fine print of the policy document again and again. Always do your due diligence and compare and check between 3-4  policies and all specific and special schemes like wellness programs or plans that cater to women, senior citizens, or critical illnesses before deciding on one. Do a thorough research of premiums and deductibles, and check on discounts like no claim bonus at the time of renewal of the policy .