Save Tax up to ₹ 25,000
Cashless Treatment at 6500+ Hospitals
Get Guaranteed Cumulative Bonus
Non-Payable Expenses Cover
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Upto:- 30 Lakhs Top-Up
In-patient hospitalization
Super top up health insurance will cover hospital accommodation expenses with no limit on room rent, charges for stay in Intensive Care Unit, related hospitalization expenses such as surgeon’s fees, nursing, anaesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre charges, surgical appliances, medicines, drugs, and consumables up to the sum insured.
You may incur some expenses before you are hospitalized, like doctor’s fees, pharmacy-related expenses, or diagnostic tests. All such costs will be covered by your super top up policy for up to 60 days before your hospitalization.
Post hospitalization
After you get home from the hospital, there are still many expenses to be taken care of, like consultation fees, diagnostic tests, pharmacy-related costs among other things. We will cover such expenses related to your hospitalization up to 90 days after your discharge.
Day care treatment
You might need to be hospitalized for less than 24 hours for certain procedures like dialysis, radiation therapy, cataract surgery among others. We will cover the cost of such procedures up to the sum insured.
Ambulance cover
We understand the need for emergency ambulance service; should you need immediate assistance, our super top up health insurance will cover the ambulance expenses (as per actual expenses) every time you get hospitalized.
Donor expenses
For situations like an organ transplant, the medical expenses incurred for the in-patient hospitalization of the donor is also covered up to the sum insured.
Reduction in Pre-existing diseases waiting period (Optional)
We will reduce the waiting period for PED from 36 months to 24 months from the date of inception of the first super top-up policy with us under this benefit.
Critical illness add-on
Persons between 18 to 65 years can opt for Critical Illness cover as an add-on benefit. We will give a lump sum amount equal to Sum Insured in case of the first diagnosis of the covered critical illnesses. In case of a family floater super top-up policy, once a claim has been paid for a critical illness under this benefit we will provide for 100% reinstatement of Sum Insured once during the lifetime of the policy for the other person covered.
For more details on Product Features and options kindly contact our call centre at 1800 102 4464.
Discount Available
FAMILY DISCOUNT: 10% discount on the premium amount on enrolling 2 and more family members under a single individual super top-up plan.
LONG TERM DISCOUNT: 7.5% for selecting 2 years and 10% for selecting 3 years single premium policy.
ONLINE RENEWAL DISCOUNT: 3% discount on the premium from next renewal if the premium is received through NACH or standing instruction (where payment is made either by direct debit of the bank account or credit card)
Why ManipalCigna

Worldwide emergency cover
- Medical emergencies do not recognize locations. Hence, we cover medical expenses incurred during the policy year for emergency treatments for an illness or injury sustained or contracted outside of India

Wide Payment Options
- We support debit cards, credit cards, NetBanking , UPI & wallets.

Awarded Best Health Insurance Co. 2019
- ManipalCigna has been awarded as Best Health Insurance Company of the Year at the India Insurance Summit & Awards 2019.

24*7 Support
- Health emergencies may strike anytime. That’s why we have a dedicated customer support for all assistance that you need.

Free look cancellation
- The insured person shall be allowed a free look period of 30 days from date of receipt of the policy document to review the terms and conditions of the policy and to return the same if not acceptable.

Income Tax benefit
- In addition to health protection, you can also claim tax deduction u/s 80D as per IT Act 1961 for premium paid towards this policy. For premiums paid in cash, tax benefit u/s 80D shall not be applicable. Please consult your tax advisor for more details.

Lifelong Renewability
- Renewals will be available for lifetime.
Waiting Period
We shall not be liable to make any payment for any claim directly or indirectly caused by, based on, arising out of or howsoever attributable to any of the following. All waiting periods shall be applied individually for each Insured Person and claims shall be assessed accordingly.
Pre-existing Disease waiting Period
Expenses related to the treatment of a pre-existing Disease (PED) and its direct complications shall be excluded until the expiry of 36 months (24 months, if Reduction in Pre-existing disease waiting period, if opted) of continuous coverage after the date of inception of the first policy with us.
30 days waiting period
A waiting period of 30 days from the Inception Date of the Policy will be applicable for all hospitalization claims except in case of accidents and policies accepted under portability norms.
First 90 days Waiting Period & survival period (applicable only to CI add-on)
From the policy inception date, there will be a waiting period of 90 days before the symptoms of any critical illness first occur for you to be able to make a claim. A 30 days survival period will also apply.
2 Years Waiting Period
Two Years Waiting Period will be applicable for specific illnesses.
Personal Waiting period
A special waiting period not exceeding 36 months, may be applied to individual Insured persons for the list of acceptable Medical Ailments listed .Underwriting Loading & Special Conditions, depending upon declarations on the proposal form and existing health conditions. Such waiting periods shall be specifically stated in the Schedule and will be applied only after receiving your specific consent.
Claims Process
For any queries related to claims, kindly connect with us at 1800-419-1159(toll-free number) or send an e-mail to us at cigna@mediassistindia.com.
Things to keep in mind while raising a claim
- You must Intimate and submit a claim in accordance with the Claim Process defined in the Policy.
- You must follow the advice provided by a Medical Practitioner.
- You must upon Our request, submit Yourself for a medical examination by Our nominated Medical Practitioner as often as We consider reasonable and necessary. The cost of such examination will be borne by Us.
- Provide Us with complete documentation and information that We have requested to establish admissibility of the claim, its circumstances and its quantum under the provisions of the Policy.
For more information on hospital network Click Here
For accessing claims forms

Nice to know that ManipalCigna is conscious about my health. I am totally satisfied with your benefited messages and hope in future also give guidance. Also doing good...


Best service! ManipalCigna service was quick. Whatever requirement was needed during claims was completed quickly and everyone was very co-operative. My experience is best...

Solapur, INDIA

Thank you very very much! I would like to give ManipalCigna team 5 stars as they answered my queries patiently and I admire the manner in which the customer representative spoke to me.

Patna, INDIA
What is ManipalCigna Super Top Up?
It is a health insurance plan that strengthens your existing plan to give you a higher sum insured and a wider cover to meet your medical expenses. You can take it as an independent policy or as a top up to your existing plan.
What are the policy period options for ManipalCigna Super Top Up Insurance Plan?
One can choose between 1 year, 2 years and 3 years term.
Why should I buy a Super Top Up?
In cases where your existing medical cover is not sufficient enough to cover your medical expenses, Super Top Up helps increase the sum insured and provider wider coverage at an affordable premium.