Emotional Health

5 Ways in Which Companion Animals Improve Your Health


Feb 08 2021


Only those who have had a prolonged company of a companion animal know how miraculous their presence is. From putting a smile on your face with their innocence when you are blue to awaiting eagerly for you to come home, the adorable pets know how to make you feel loved. While you are making them learn something, they inadvertently make you learn a new thing. Companion animals directly impact your overall health and well-being.

Here are a few ways in which companion pets benefit your health.


Pets are the ultimate mood enhancers. If you have a pet at your home, you’d know that no day would pass without them doing something bizarre that would leave you laughing. Their bubbly and excited welcome would cheer you up. It will make you forget about the long day you had at office. Having a pet means you will never feel lonely.


A study conducted by University of Wisconsin – Madison suggests that infants have a lesser chance of being allergic if pets, either dogs or cats, or both, share their household. This defies the general theories claiming that pets trigger allergies.


It is an age-old fact that animals lessen your anxiety-levels and help keep up your mental health. They have not only proved to be helpful in occupational therapy, speech therapy, and physical rehabilitation to help patients recover, but their presence has also helped depression patients recover faster. A study conducted in 2002 concluded that people with a dog or a cat had lower blood pressure and pulse rates than the people without them.


Relationship between humans and domesticated animals is as old as time. This bond enhanced to another level when companion pets proved a great help for children with autism. The disease makes it difficult for the affected person to interact with others. Pets assist autistic children in communicating and moving around without much difficulty. Psychologically speaking, petting not only positively affects their social life, but also provides them with emotional security.


Apart from lowering blood pressure, lessening anxiety and helping people recover from serious illnesses quicker, dogs, cats and other companion animals provide elderly people the social support they seek. Aging has often been linked with increasing loneliness and fatigue. Seniors may also require a caregiver. And if you find yourself in a similar situation, get a pet and witness a change in your life. A study proved that elderly who own a pet are more likely to perform their daily chores themselves, stay healthier, and live longer.

It is always great to cuddle a pet and have innumerable non-verbal, gesture-driven conversations with it. And that relieved, stress-free smile on your face flaunts your overall mental and emotional wellbeing as well. Getting a MEDICAL INSURANCE is important when it comes to wellbeing of yourself and your family.

If you still don’t have a pet, go ahead and get one. You will be happier and healthier than you have ever been before.




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