Emotional Health

What To Expect When You Opt For Mental Health Care?


Feb 16 2021


Mental health is a combination of social, behavioral and emotional well-being. It affects how we think, what we feel, and how we act. It is not just the absence of mental illnesses, rather an individual’s ability to recognise their capabilities and deal with stressful situations. But prolonged exposure to unfavorable circumstances can affect our emotional well-being and cause mental health problems.

Signs of Mental Health Problems

These are some common signs and symptoms of a person suffering from mental illness:

  • Becoming anxious and irritable.
  • Feeling sad all the time
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Unable to sleep or sleeping all the time
  • Withdrawing from social interactions
  • Having suicidal thoughts
  • Extreme paranoia that can lead to believing that everyone out to harm you
  • Hallucinating and seeing people, situations or things that don’t exist
  • Excessive indulgence of vices like alcohol, drugs and/or cigarettes
  • Change in eating habits

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Importance of Mental Health Care

Appropriate and mental health care provisions can help a person to work out what is affecting their mental health and emotional well-being. Mental health awareness and mental health care can aid individuals to openly talk about their mental illnesses and seek the right kind of help. Depending on what mental illness an individual is suffering from and how progressed it is, the individual may have to reach out to a psychiatrist, psychologist or even admit themselves in a rehabilitation center. The earlier the signs are recognised, the quicker the course of treatment can be implemented. Hence, mental health care is critical.

What to Expect When you opt for Mental Health Care

Here are some things you can expect when you choose for mental health care:

  • Be prepared to answer some personal questions
  • Come prepared with yours and your family’s medical history, including physical and mental illnesses
  • The number of sessions is not the same for everyone - it varies from person to person, mental illness to mental illness
  • You’re going to experience a surge of emotions as you remove (metaphorical) skeletons from the closet and dig deep on the root cause of why you are feeling the way you are.
  • Your first psychiatrist or psychologist may not be ‘the one’ to help you sort out the issue.

Mental health affects the way we think and how we behave. If you or someone you know has a mental illness, it is essential to resort to the right kind of mental health care and as soon as possible.



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